Sit back and enjoy watching Rachel, Lynne using and demonstrating all the latest Creative Grids Non-Slip Quilt rulers. See how easy it is with these new innovative rulers to create stunning blocks.
Content Non-Slip 45° Double Strip Ruler Designed By Rachel Cross Non-Slip 60° Double Strip Ruler Designed By Rachel Cross Non-Slip 90° Double Strip Ruler Designed By Rachel Cross Non-Slip Double Strip Kaleidoscope Ruler Designed By Rachel Cross Non-Slip Multi-Size Curved Corner Cutter Ruler Designed By Lynne Edwards MBE Non-Slip The Angle Finder Designed By Lynne Edwards MBE Non-Slip 18° Dresden Plate Ruler Designed By Lynne Edwards MBE Non-Slip Multi-Size 45°/60°& 45°/90°Rulers Designed By Rachel Cross Non-Slip Lazy Angle® Ruler Designed by Joan Hawley of Lazy Girle Designs Non-Slip Basic Range - Squares & Rectangles Rulers Designed By Rachel Cross Non-Slip 12'' and a Half Inch 60° Triangle Ruler Designed By Rachel Cross Non-Slip Curves For Rectangles Ruler Designed By Karla Alexander Non-Slip Curves For Squares Ruler Designed By Karla Alexander Non-Slip Curved Slotted Ruler Designed By Karla Alexander Non-Slip Straight Out of Line Ruler Designed By Karla Alexander
Sit back and enjoy watching Rachel, Lynne and Christine using and demonstrating all the latest Creative Grids Non-Slip Quilt rulers. See how easy it is with these new innovative rulers to create stunning blocks like Storm at Sea and Corner to Corner Curve Strip Rulers and marvel at Christine's Colour Wheel.
Lynne Edwards MBE internationally renowned quiltmaker, teacher and author has designed rulers and worked closely alongside Rachel for many years. Rachel is a Director of Creative Grids and is the main ruler designer. Rachel and Lynne are working on many more rulers - so watch out for the next DVD!
Christine Porter teaches, lectures, and judges in the US, Canada, the UK, Europe, and the Middle East. She has also lectured in New Zealand, and is the British coordinator for the World Quilt and Textile competition. Her quilts have won awards in Britain and the US, and is a fabric consultant and author.